Monday, June 30, 2008
At an edge of a boiling vat of sulfur - or just instability
An old friend asked me what is it like to live in Israel, in a political sense. So I tried to remember the last month's newspaper headlines. Every day there is a story about the "Palestinian situation". First it was the attacks from Gaza in the south and what to do about it. Than it was the exchange of prisoners. Than it was the talks through all kind of intermediaries between the Hamas and Hisbollah and Israel. Now it is about the cease fire and who controls it. You get the point, the "situation" is always present here. Politicians have gotten smart, when they don't know what to do they talk around the situation or try to focus the country's attention (or at least the media) at something else. But this woman asks: "why should you care if the Palestinians vote for one Islamic radical or the other"? Adding "In the US we don't care who is in charge in Afghanistan"! So I thought about this for a week. It really disturbed me that I couldn't give her a quick answer. I imagined her calmly sitting in front of a CNN report from Afghanistan showing one bearded soldier shooting at another with total amusement and detachment. After all, the organization and political view of people 1/2 way around the world does not matter that much!

Than I realized, they are not 1/2 way around the world for us here in ISRAEL! Aha, I got it! BUT than again, who cares if they are 10 meters away or 10,000 miles away? Aha, you do care, very much. When you can see, hear, smell, and FEEL people, you care, and you notice, and you worry, and you get angry, and you get happy, and, and, and... So that's it! Israel is at an edge of this boiling, bubbling, steaming, cauldron of sulfur - a virtual lava flow of political, military, religious, economic, nationalistic -- and every other form of social category you can imagine. The long view is that the Arab world is modernizing. It has been doing so for about 100 years but still has some ways to go. The nationalist and religious conservative do not want to let go of power easily. This is true everywhere except for the countries that don't have a long history of religious or political power. That's why Qatar, Dubai, and to some extent Kuwait are on opposite side of the modernism spectrum than Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Yemen. The bigger countries, Egypt, Iraq, and Syria seem to be more mixed. And Turkey while certainly Islamic is moderated by close proximity to Europe and its geographic location as a hub between Europe and the Arab world.

What does that mean to Israel? Well, we are in the very edge of the lava flow, the sulfur steaming volcano crater, the boiling pool of tar... that's the difference. When you are 1/2 a world away, news of the "situation" are not a big deal. But here we deal with not just the Palestinians, but the Iraqis, Iranian, Saudis, Egyptians, you name it. We deal with the rhetoric on TV, the threats and muscle flexing of every little group coming out of the Arab world. We are the "modern front" which is edging into the "pristine world" the "virgin territory" which the Arabs kept "clean" all these centuries. Well, a little exaggerated, but none the less true. The Arab conservatives see all of the modern world as a threat, but so do the Amish in Pennsylvania and the Indians in the Amazon. Even in Israel there are vestiges of very old cultures. The 'shamranim' are supposedly a group who has connections all the way back to Mosses and the Israelite tribes on this land over 2,500 years ago. But with numbers down to 700 and no real military strength they simply try to keep their culture and life as it is.
Does this help? Just like worrying about a volcano erupting and the lava that will start exploding any day, we keep our ears tuned to rumblings and our nose ready to smell the sulfur. Because that is what you do next to the volcano, a the edge of the crater!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Yekety Yak - Let Them Eaty Horse? or just Rock away...
1) The International Herald Tribune last Friday (June 20, '08) ran a story by Michel Johnson that started with the intro: "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse". We've all said it but now it's a reality. Johnson reports that horse meat is gaining popularity as the meat of choice in France, China, Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland. The yack-yack in Tel Aviv is horse meat. We don't eat horse in Tel Aviv. Beef, chicken, lamb, turkey, and some pork - but NO horse meat - I say let's keep it that way, build race tracks and enjoy watching these beautiful animals run - like the wind...

2) Hot Rock Hits Tel Aviv: The veteran rock band, Blondie is set to make its first visit to Tel Aviv. They are set to play their hit album "parallel lines" from start to finish. Blondie has been very hot in the US and Israel and the show should be a bit hit here. Check with your local ticket agent for dates, venues, and tickets. The music world comes to Tel Aviv -- enjoy retro rock.
3) Friday morning is "go out to breakfast day". You found the place, came early, and now the decision is where to sit. Some tables are round, some are square. Some chairs are big and comfy, some are normal. Better make a choice quick. The place is filling up fast. OK - square table, soft chairs, great view... BRING ON THE FOOD - Yakety yak!!
4) Sugar or NOT - Yakety yak! Ever notice the sugar choices offered at a restaurant? Several packets are real sugar. Some appear in long sticks. Some are white, some are brown, some a bit of a surprise. The substitutes are even more fun. Some taste just like sugar, some are bitter, some are... what is this??? Good luck, yakety yak ;8-)'
sam-D-man and Frakie too - from T"A
Friday, June 27, 2008
Sex in the City - Teenage pregnancy pack in MA
A few days ago Time magazine reported a strange story. In a Gloucester Massachusetts high school 18 young girls age 14 to 17 made it their goal to get pregnant. The question is why? The answer lies in a culture that makes sex a dirty word. This school stopped their sex education program and do not provide free birth control clinics or medication. Add to that a religious community where leaders of all faiths preach high morals based on conservative values and the Bible.
Now we are seeing the tip of the iceberg of a problem religious fanatics and right wing conservatives have created. Girls are developing at younger ages and no politician pandering for votes or preacher's sermon can stop this. As girls develop their sex hormones rage out of control. This biological process is seldom controlled by religious or political views. Ignoring this combination of biology and politics makes for a deadly combination.

Parents sometimes want to shield their children from the harsh reality of life. The church wants to scare the heck out of them with regard to premarital sex. Politicians want votes, specially in a conservative place in economically difficult times. Remember how president Clinton fired Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders for saying that masturbation should not be taboo in sex-ed? If these girls had been taught they can satisfy their sexual drive by masturbation they might not have resorted to vaginal sex. Or if oral sex was not made such a terrible act who knows what might have happened.
Until the time comes when sex is accepted as a part of life, without the religious taboos or right wing political social values, we are going to see more bizarre behavior. Young people do not know any better, they need guidance, direction, and most of all kind support. We must demand for the walls to come down on sex. Teach children about safe sex and alternatives to vaginal sex. Also, we must teach children how to avoid letting "some boy" get them pregnant.
These children have no clue on what's involved in raising and taking care of a baby. They can't imagine the total impact this child will have on their life. These children want sex and someone to love them. If parents really want their children to have a healthy and happy lives, you don't have to shield them from A L L the realities of life. The best remedy is just to love them and make sure you instill your best values in them. Be open to conversations about sex. Teach them that sex is good and healthy, but also teach them responsibility.
The high school these girls attend had no sex education or a clinic that provides birth control advice and medication. Now we see the terrible results. Israeli sexual attitudes are more open, we can only hope they are open enough so there will not be copycats all over the world. Sam-D-man from T"A
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Mid June Yakin' in Tel Aviv...
- Israel is a country that produces food at prices that all can afford. When those who suffer deprivation in Africa illegally cross Israel's borders we take them in. Israel provides them with world class medical services, food, shelter, and jobs. Other countries that share their culture mostly reject them. This was true with Asian refugees in the past. Israel will always take in refugees - it's in its DNA.
- While Arabs in the Palestinian Territories try to kill us, we provide them with electricity, water, oil, and food. When there was tragedy in Burma, a country that calls for our destruction, we freely sent medical aid, food, and drinking water. Israel has rushed aid to all those in need: friend and foe.
- Tel Aviv is a modern city which provide a vast variety of service for its people. The postal service delivers the mail and our cable TV delivers entertainment. We have a huge variety of food from around the world. It's fun to vacation in Tel Aviv.
- Barak Obama the presumptive US democratic party nominee made a recent foreign policy statement. In response to questions about Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran, he responded that these are three small insignificant countries. Someone finally got it right. Good show Barak!
- Jimmy Carter America's worst president has a lot of nerv to be critical of Israel. He keeps on criticizing Israel for the treatment of Palestinians without regard to the situation and the daily terrorist attacks which continue regardless of any political and government activities ON BOTH SIDES! The man who brought the Isramic revolution lead by mullahs to Iran, let 400 US hosteges rot in Iran, AND ruined the American economy - shold be hiding in some corner with his head down in shame. Any advice from you ain't worth a bag of peanuts!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
If looks could kill... baeuty and fashion in Tel Aviv
Looking good is important in Tel Aviv. This flies straignt in the face of the very confusing image of the rough and schlumpy Israeli woman. The image that Israeli women tried to portray in the 1950's was of pioneering all can do superwoman. Milk the cows in the morning, raise the kids in the day, guard the border at night. But the city reality of Israeli women was a little different. Fashion and beauty supplies came with Europeans very early on. Whatever Israeli women could not afford local companies made here. Jump forward 50 years to 2008 and the Israeli woman, a mix of every imaginable culture is very much interested in fashion and beauty. There are a dozen Israeli beauty supply companies, some with international reputation. Ahava started out as a Dead Sea specialty company, and Jade is well knows here but a bit of a 'hidden secret' outside Israel.

Let's face it, Tel Aviv is not considered a fashion center. I would say YET! But if you are a woman, this city is nothing to laugh about. It's true that most Israeli designers have looked elsewhere to develop their careers and their businesses. But women still want to look beautiful and there is plenty of products and services to help them. In the beginning of June Tel Aviv hosted a Beauty City 2008 fair. About 30 makeup, hair, and fashion companies gathered at the Tel Aviv fairgrounds and showed off their "product". It turned out to be a mix between a fashion show and a 50% off sale. Let's face it, these little bottles of beauty don't come cheap. Some of the names in the makeup category: Estee Lauder, Lancome, Hugo Boss, Jade, Revlon, Ahava, L'Oreal, and Dove. In the hair section: Wella, Pantene, Nivea, Shuki Zikri, and Gillette.
The big practical attraction was the 50% discount on almost everything on display. This is a big deal for women who like good products but don't like to pay the high prices. The more expensive products from Estee Lauder, Shisheido, Lancome, and Jeanne Piaubert were discounted a little less, but still 20% to 30% was offered.

The fair also offered a fashion show every hour or two. Cloths from Gucci, Jean Paul Gaultier, Christian Lacroix, and Dolce & Gabbana were on display worn by about 25 young models. Beuty City 2008 showed also how Israel has grown up in the fashion and beauty area. There are still many international brands who consider this market small and in transition. This is simply the phase Israeli women are going through, both economically and culturally. But the women here definitely want to look and be seen as beautiful. So when the late comers look back at 2008 they may regret not making Israeli women beautiful today. But that again is just a speculation on the future.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sex in the city - religious control over women
Editor: This is a continuation to the article about "Purity Balls".
Controlling the sex life of women is just the first step to create a legal and moral system that will again subjugate women. None of these moralist who hide behind the mantra that they want to protect women from degradation and sin make no demands on the vices of men.
Men want to control women's bodies, their right to work, birth control, and sex. If you girls want to be slaves again, check how women are treated by the Taliban in Afghanistan and by the Muslim clerics in Iran. In these cultures, if you date some boy who one of the men in your family does not like, he has the right to kill you. Yes, to kill the woman, NOT the supposedly "offending man". They call it "honor killing". You see, there are many ways to call things, isn't this what George Orwell wrote about all these years ago?

Very religious streams of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam will tell women what cloths to wear, what food to eat, how men can use your body, restrict or forbid the use of birth control, and otherwise take from you, your right to choose how to run your life.
Girls, don't sit back and ignore this - fight for your rights! If you don't, you will loose them all, one by one. The first step will probably be abortion and prostitution. Women have the right to have babies when they want them, and women have the right to have sex when they want (money or not). Fight for your rights!
/sam-D-man / in Tel Aviv
Monday, June 16, 2008
Tel Aviv Yakety Monday (June 16) by Sam-D
Palestinian Prime Minister Haniyeh with daughter Sara 2 y.o. (2007/Flickr/LahebAlsamt)
Ismail Haniyeh the drag queen of Hamas say that if Israeli forces enter Gaza it won't be a picnic. He has vowed he will not bring the potato salad.
Palestinians should have the right to bomb Israel. After all they are only trying to kill Jews and the English Academic Trade Union says that it is OK!
Wars, politicians, religious disputes come and go, but the important yakety yak in Tel Aviv's bars and cafes is Euro 2008 football championship (soccer for you Americans). Everybody talks and plays Monday morning quarterback for a few days!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Political Yakety Yaking at it's best
Nasralla in action: yackty yaking about politics and truth
Yacking away the day is not just for Tel Aviv cafe loiterers and park bench retirees. Israel political world is buzzing with yacking like never before, seems like this is the season for all sort of political yak. Negotiation to bring back kidnapped soldiers, peace agreement with Syria, new election and accusation of Olmert's corrupt American election bribery... we can go on and on. But notice that the political world is filled with news, interviews, opinion, commentary -- covering everything. On the Palestinian side the yacking heads, lead by the number 1 yacker Nasralla is probably better known AND trusted as an authority than any world personality. Sometimes Nasralla's rhetoric is taken as basic fact: we won the second Lebanon war. No mention of countless destroyed villages, hundreds of casualties - dead and maimed, and completely upturned Lebanese political system that will take decades to heal. Well, hopefully some of us can filter out political yacking from real life and real truth. No rhetoric from any government or pretentious terrorist organization changes the fact that bullets and bombs kill.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Odds & Ends from last week...
1) The word in Tel Aviv is, we now have a BIRD. Israelis crowned the Hoopoe as our national bird (Doo-chi-fat in Hebrew). The Palestinians have vowed to boycott the Hoopoe and ban it from their skies.

2) The ultra orthodox who run Jerusalem city government fired all it's Jewish workers who answered emergency calls on Shabbat. God forbid a young Jewish student should make a little extra cash.
3) American businessmen should stick to corrupting American politicians and leave us alone. The latest Morris Talansky should give his envelopes to Obama.
4) The right wing religious (who don't serve in the military and don't work) have combined with other short sighted politicians to attempt to block peace agreements with Syria. The people who won't defend or support the country want to lead us to another war.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
When the food is too much!
Stopped in to check out new resto-bar near the shook. Main draw: "we have oysters, testicles, and brains!" My wife gave me a look and we left. Went to get a pizza at Pappa's (it was good).
Editor: This area is being gentrified, so young restauranteurs are boldly going where no shook fast food or restaurant went before. Small French looking place, a block from the Carmel Street main shopping area. More to come...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Sex and the city (not a "Sara Jessica Parker" story)
The International Herald Tribune of May 20 reported on the latest sex rage in the US. Fathers and grandfathers are taking their daughters and granddaughters to what are popularly called "Purity Balls". These events are held to indoctrinate young girls that sex is bad, dirty and that you are violating your GOD.
These girls with their father take a covenant that says "I, (daughter’s name)'s father, choose before God to cover my daughter as her authority and protection in the area of purity." (see Wikipedia - Purity Ball) Abstinence is the word. I find this approach discriminatory. No such admonitions are mad as to the men. The idea that sex should be use to control the freedom of women is nothing new. All religions use it to degrade and control.
I am happy to report that life in the Tel Aviv area has not stooped to this cheap maneuver to control the minds and bodies of our women. It is nice to see that men and women are equal when it comes to deciding your sex life.
See also the NY Times article: Dancing the Night Away, With a Higher Purpose (May 19, 2008) --
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Yakety Yak -- Do Talk Back
Remember the Coasters' song Yakety Yak (don't talk back)? It went like:
Take out the papers and the trash
Or you don't get no spendin' cash
If you don't scrub that kitchen floor
You ain't gonna rock and roll no more
Yakety yak (don't talk back)
The song advised a teenager not to talk back when told what to do. Well, we don't seem to have this problem in Israel. Everyone talks back, Yakety Yak -- and it almost does not matter if they live in Israel, have a stake in what is going on here, or even know the finer details. It seems like the freedom of speech and the huge amount of press makes every voice relevant. In reality this is not the case. Not every voice out there is relevant or even makes sense. Actually, most of what we hear is what we call 'Yakety Yak' - a bunch of dribbling nonsense that is confusing, sometimes humiliating, and in general gives us Israelis a bad image. In reality the Yakety Yaking is just that. People talking and getting their opinions out without real dialog or thought about how people in the outside world are going to perceive it. There is also a strange phenomena that we see here in Israel, the total misunderstanding off reality based on a single opinion. We all know that sometimes one voice can change public opinion, both for good and for bad. This certainly seem to be happening here.
There is a well known fact in media that some stories are not true but they are still perceived as real fact. In the US presidential candidates are very careful to answer every false story. They know how quickly public opinion can be set in the wrong position. Sometimes once public precept ion is set in a certain way it is too late or too hard to change it. Sometimes even if the public knows of how a story was not true they still form an opinion, which for the most part is not true. So what? you say, well we like to put out two cents (or agorot) worth. We think that by simply telling people what it is really like here in Israel (Tel Aviv) and what people are really talking and thinking about, Israel will not be so misunderstood. This is specially to politics, security, culture, and religion. So... let's get started with the Yackin'!